Puzzleman by Christopher Alan Broadstone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of Puzzleman from the author in return for an honest review.
This is a beast of a book, there is so much happening and it's got it's fair share of graphic and disgusting scenes. It felt different to read, it's original, it's complex and detailed and somewhat surreal. I honestly don't know where to start reviewing this one. It's 400 pages but it feels bigger and I did get kind of lost in the middle of it. The chapters covering the Greek and Roman history, although they were detailed to explain the story, they drew me out of the story at the same time.
The pipe world and the puzzleman are the stuff of nightmares, the book is gruesome, evil and stomach turning in parts. Definitely not a light read, you can't just pick it up and read without giving it your full attention. You need to pay attention, you need to digest what you're reading. It's like a puzzle you devour bit by bit as you read and just when you think it can't get any worse or any more gruesome, it does. It's not a book for the faint of heart. It's also not a book that I could sit down and read all at once, I found myself having to take breaks and think about what I had read at times. Not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because I was trying to fit it all together, make sense of it in my head perhaps, it gets those brain cells working.
Puzzleman is a book for hard core horror fans who are looking for something a little different. It's the thinking mans horror. You know that feeling you get every so often, you want to pick up a book that's not just your every day run of the mill creeps or scares. You want a book that you can really get your teeth into, one that will stimulate those brains cells while still scaring the pants off you or turning your stomach and messing with your head.
Definitely worth a read.
Reviews also posted to my blog: Scarlet's Web
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