Review by Dark Angel

Written and Directed by Christopher Alan Broadstone.

I always like to give upcoming indie film makers a plug whenever I can, so this month we're showcasing the DVD release of Christopher Alan Broadstone's short films "My Skin" and "Scream for Me".

The first of these films "My Skin" concerns a visit from the Grim Reaper as he goes to the scene of a murder to collect the victim's soul. But it seems this particular reaper has some sort of moral conscience, and decides to put right the wrongdoings of the young girl's murderer.

Carefully replacing all the incriminating evidence that the killer had previously removed, he then decides to make a very special phone call...

Dark and atmospheric, the film may only clock in at around 13mins, but none the less this an interesting, short chiller and one which has received high praise on the US festival circuit. As has his second feature on the disc "Scream for Me".

"Scream for Me" is totally different in style from its predecessor. As the film starts we are led to believe the story revolves around a disturbed young man, showing him strangling a young girl whilst shouting at her to scream for him as she slowly chokes to death. But then as the young girl gasps her last breath, the film takes a sudden twist as a second killer turns up claiming she was meant to be HIS victim.

Overpowered, tied up and beaten, the first killer subsequently becomes the victim in this ironic twist of fate. But the fun doesn't stop there, as it seems this new killer was into more than just murder, and with his planned victim already dead he decides to turn his attention to her killer, with hilarious consequences. Darkly humoured this 20 minute short film is an effective black comedy with some neat plot twists.

Both films have proved hugely successful at festivals in the US, "My Skin" winning 2nd place in the "Best Horror Short " category at the "AKA Shriekfest" in LA, and "Scream for Me" winning top prize in the "Best Short Film" category at the "New York City Horror Film Festival".

The disc also comes packaged with theatrical trailers for both films and photo galleries for both films. "Scream for Me" also has an outtakes section entitled "A Tragic Comedy (...of errors)", showing the unused takes where they messed things up on camera.

If you're interested in seeing Christopher Broadstone's works for yourself the DVD is available from his company's website at which also contains information about this and his other projects.

May we wish Christopher and all the folks at Black Cab productions all the best with these and future productions.