MY SKIN (2002) 13 minutes
Directed by Christopher Alan Broadstone

Oh, now this was a good one. MY SKIN is a creepy, downright eerie story of a man, a dead woman and a voice on the other end of a phone. What if we are all given an exact amount of time to live, but when someone interferes with that lifespan –– cuts it short –– someone pretty important gets ticked off? Well, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". This is some excellent work from Broadstone and company.

By Larry Stanley

SCREAM FOR ME (2000) 22 Minutes
Directed by Christopher Alan Broadstone

You know, every once in a while a film comes along that really hurts (in a bad way) to watch. It isn't SCREAM FOR ME. This short film is intelligent, scary, well written and well acted. Not much more to say about this than if you ever decide to become a serial your back. I freaking loved this one. Both the male leads carried over a lot of latent fear in their actions, but the one called "Madman" really set your nerves on edge. The way he walked, talked, and the things that he said put the fear that is so often lacking in short films right into your face. Don't miss this
one. And leave the lights on. With Gabriel Sigal, Lora Cunningham and Tony Simmons.

By Larry Stanley