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Art Director
Danilo Montejo has worked for many years as a designer and illustrator. He specializes in Advertising, Theme Park Design, and Book Illustration. Some of Danilo's clients include: Disney, Universal, Sony, Amblin Entertainment, and recently Black Cab Productions, working as Art Director on Christopher Alan Broadstone's third film HUMAN NO MORE. A Colombian by birth, Danilo has often been mistaken for a Mexican by the park developers and studio heads he’s designed for, resulting in many standing offers to work as a Sanitation Engineer, Maintenance Man, or Leaf Blower. In fact, on the set of HUMAN NO MORE Danilo displayed his leaf blowing talents by quite literally using his own lungs and breath as wind power to dress the squalid staircase with fallen foliage and debris. Danilo’s other talents include skirt-chasing, Olympic status binge drinking, and having a keen eye for larger than life derrieres, which is evident in the picture above.
To learn more about Danilo and view some of his amazing art and illustrations please visit: