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(The Voice of Mr. Blight, Det. Leonard & The Devil)
Cole Adam Buisson is believed by those few that know him to be the Devil himself. But he is even lesser known as The Voice of George in the short film MY SKIN. A veteran of Black Cab Productions, Cole can also be heard as the raging neighbor hollering through the walls in SCREAM FOR ME (he insisted on no credit), and has now returned as the voice of Mr. Blight, Det. Leonard, and The Devil (no stretch there) in Christopher Alan Broadstone's new film HUMAN NO MORE. Judging from Cole's triple-threat performance in HNM it's painfully obvious that his ambiguous, self-deprecating, obscurantist approach to the dramatic arts is still in malignant form. And spreading faster than ever! If this keeps up, in fact, swarms of locusts should be arriving soon and the Moon will most certainly turn the color of blood –– if it doesn't just pop out of orbit altogehter and go spiraling into the Sun. Cole currently resides any damn place he pleases. So, on that happy note, Black Cab Productions would highly recommend never answering your front door again. (And that goes for your back door too.)