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(as Madman)
Tony received an honorable discharge after serving two years at the Los Angeles Theatre Academy where his studies centered on classical stage acting. He can't dance to save his life, but he can hit his mark and remember his lines. Tony is very proud of his involvement in the short film "SCREAM FOR ME", although he denies any knowledge of the whereabouts of fellow actor Gabriel Sigal. As well, Tony refuses comment on any outstanding investigations concerning the charges of murder or rape, both of which he has never previously been indicted. (Please forward all inquiries regarding missing or mutilated actors to Christopher Alan Broadstone at Black Cab Productions.) Presently hard at work performing in the feature "Penis Envy" (written and directed by Gloria Heilman Christal for Blue Studio in Los Angeles), Tony enjoys romantic moonlit summer strolls on the beach, traveling to exotic destinations, horse-back riding at dusk and all the rest of that crap they write about in those sappy romance novels. Oops, wrong bio!
For Tony Simmons' credits and resume please visit: